Saturday, January 30, 2010

ZK2DL from Niue, TNX FR FB QSO!

This is a QSL card from ZK2DL station in Niue, Pacific Ocean.

I had a QSO with ZK2DL on Oct. 24 and 25, 2009 in CQ WW DX Contest on the band of 10m and 15m.

This station was operated by Germany peditioner DL2FAG station. He also operated 5W0KH station in Samoa on November.

Niue Island is IOTA code OC-040. I don't know how often we can have QSOs with Niue stations in their activities. I'm very happy to have QSOs in the opportunity of DX contest.


LZ2VU from Bulgaria TNX FR FB QSL!

This is a QSL card from LZ2VU station in Bulgaria.

I had a QSO with LZ2VU on Nov. 20, 2009 in Hiroshima as JO3PSJ/4 on the band of 40m. This station isn't concerned with participant in LZ Contest because QSO was before its start.

Bulgaria is the first confirmed entity for me. I'm very happy to add new entity especially from Europe.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

YO4RYU/MM from Romania, TNX FR FB QSL!

This is a QSL card from YO4RYU station in Romania.

YO4RYU opened his station as /MM(Maritime Mobile) while he cruised on tanker around the Far East.
I had a QSO with him on Jul. 20, 2009 on the band of 15m when he voyaged near Taiwan.

The photo of QSL is his tanker. Really it is so big!

According to his message, YO4RYU station will depart for voyage between this Feburuary and July again. I'm looking forward to seeing him again on the air.


BX5AA from Taiwan, Xie Xie!

This is a QSL card from BX5AA station in Taiwan.

I had a QSO with BX5AA on Sep. 5, 2009 in the All Asian DX Contest on the band of 15m and 10m.

BX5AA is operating in Changhua City. Photo design of his QSL is Changhua Buddhism Statue. We also have the same type of statue in Nara and Kamakura. I feel Japan and Taiwan is very familiar nations.

Xie Xie FB QSL!

BARTG Sprint Contest Report

I participate BARTG Sprint Contest, one of the worldwide RTTY DX contest as JO3PSJ/3 in Awaji Island (IOTA: AS-117) on last weekend.

I had 35 QSOs in this contest between 1200UTC Saturday and 0015UTC Sunday about 12 hours. Though it is very small result because my mobile facilities are very poor, I'm satisfied to have had QSOs with several European stations.

My QSO entities are JA-4, BV-1, VR2-1, HS-1, ZL-1, W-3, VE-1, UA0-7, UA-4, UN-1, UR-4, 9A-1, S5-1, I-1, LZ-1, 4L-1, HA-1, OK-1. Especially, 4L(Georgia), HA(Hungary) and OK(Czech Rep.) are new acquired entities for me.

My rig output was 50W. I set 6mH inverted V dipole antenna for 40m band. I tried to set 8mH vertical but gave up it because it was very strongly windy weather.
In spite of very law antenna, I could have QSOs with several European stations. Maybe location in beachside toward west was very good.

I always feel RTTY QSO is very difficult. Especially, matching of PC output-interface-rig-antenna is very difficult so that ALC doesn't show up. Even if I succeed in matching, rig output will be reduced to half. I guess many of participants in RTTY DX contest have high power TX and big beam antennas.
Now I still must make more efforts.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

OE3DIA from Wien, Austria, Vielen Dank!

This is a QSL card from OE3DIA station in Wien, Austria.

I had a QSO with OE3DIA station on November 21, 2009 on the band of 40m in the LZ DX Contest in Hiroshima as JO3PSJ/4.

Austria is the sixth European entity for me. I always feel I have a QSO with European stations on the low band, so I'm very happy for big success.

Stable QSO with European station is my biggest subject. Now I'm looking for the best way.

Danke Schon fur FB QSL!

JT1CN from Mongolia, TNX FR FB QSL!

This is a QSL card from JT1CN station in Mongolia.

I had a QSO with JT1CN station on November 21, 2009 on the band of 15m in the Mongolian DX Contest in Hiroshima as JO3PSJ/4.

I got the third confirmation from Mongolian stations. All of three stations are in Ulan Baatar. Maybe many of stations are in the capital city in which electric supply works very well.
The number of Mongolian stations is very small in the world. But there are many active station especially in contests.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

K5MR from Texas, USA, TNX FR FB QSL!

This is a QSL card from K5MR station in Texas, USA.

I had a QSO with K5MR station on October 25, 2009 on the band of 15m in the CQ WW DX Contest.

Texas(TX) is in WAZ zone 04. Though we can easily talk with stations in 03 zone, west coast, it becomes much difficult to have a QSO with inland 04 zone in.

I collect state code for the US award.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

QSLs via JARL Bureau

I received 625 QSL cards by way of our JARL bureau at the end of the last year.

Most of them are from domestic stations, 17 QSLs of all are from overseas stations--13 from Republic of Korea(HL), 3 from Indonesia(YB) and 1 from Saipan(KH0)(operated by Japanese pedition operator).
To my surprise, arrival from Indonesian stations was faster then I expected. QSL bureau of the Indonesian Federation(ORARI) sends to overseas bureau QSL cards quickly. I will send to our JARL bureau my QSL cards for Indonesian stations who don't request us to exchange cards directly.

I will introduce overseas stations whose QSL cards I received belows,

13 Korean stations:
6K2DFG(May 16, 2009 50MSSB)(June 29, 2009 50MSSB)(2 QSOs)
DS2KGJ(May 22, 2009 29MFM)
HL5FSZ(May 30, 2009 29MFM)
DS4GGM(June 7, 2009 50MSSB)
D90HR(June 7, 2009 7MSSB)
DS4DRE(June 20, 2009 28MSSB)
HL2AVK(June 29, 2009 50MSSB)
HL0BRW/5(July 4, 2009 7MSSB)
HL1IWD(July 12, 2009 21MSSB)(IARU HF Championship)
HL3APP(July 12, 2009 21MSSB)(IARU HF Championship)
HL4CJG(July 12, 2009 21MSSB)(IARU HF Championship)
DS1PRD(July 26, 2009 21MSSB)(RSGB IOTA Contest)

3 Indonesian Stations:
YB0NDT(July 12, 2009 21MSSB)(IARU HF Championship)
YC9DEB(August 1, 2009 21MSSB)
YB0MWM(August 2, 2009 21MSSB)

1 Saipan station
KH0R(September 6, 2009 21MSSB)(Operated by JA operator)(All Asian Contest)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I4FYF from Italy, TNX FR FB QSL!

This is a QSL card from I4FYF station in Italy.

I had a QSO with I4FYF station on November 15, 2009 on the band of 15m in the JIDX Contest.

I missed to have a QSO with Italy station in the previous contest held on October. I'm very happy because I succeeded in a revenge and got confirmation.

His antennas are very big! When I see his big facilities, I guess it is very easy for him to catch my voice which was emitted from 50W transmitter and 4.5mH dipole. I want to have such wonderful antennas!

Italy is the 4th confirmed European entity except of European Russia. Europe became no longer far region for me. But it is more hard to send my voice to Europe on law band than on high band. I must improve antenna facilities for 40m band.

HB9RDE from Switzerland, Danke Schon!

This is a QSL card from HB9RDE station in Switzerland.

I had a QSO with HB9RDE station on November 21, 2009 on the band of 17m in Hiroshima as JO3PSJ/4. Because he beamed his antenna for JA, I could catch his signal very strongly.
Though I had only 6mH dipole antenna, he caught my signal for RS-41. I was very happy that my voice reached Europe.

Switzerland is the first entity for me. Now I feel Europe isn't far region for me.

Danke schon fur FB QSL!

Friday, January 15, 2010

S52WW from Slovenia, Hvala Ljepa!

This is a QSL card from S52WW station in Slovenia.

I had a QSO with S52WW station on November 21, 2009 on the band of 40m in the LZ DX Contest in Hiroshima as JO3PSJ/4.

Slovenia is one of small nation in Europe which was independent of the former Yugoslavia in 1991. I've been to Slovenia once in 2000. I had a good impression to Slovenia because of beautiful Alps view, high life standards and friendly people. Slovenia became a member country of European Union.

I sent S52WW station a message written in Serbian with QSL card. He replied me a short message in Slovenian on the reverse side of his QSL card.

Hvala Ljepa za FB QSL!

5W0KH from Samoa, TNX FR FB QSL!

This is a QSL card from 5W0KH station operated by German pedition team in Samoa.

I had a QSO with 5W0KH station on November 21, 2009 on the band of 17m in Hiroshima as JO3PSJ/4.
This station is very popular among DX chasers and I had much difficulty to establish QSO. But thanks to good locations on the hill in the small island, I realized QSO with a station from southern Pacific island.
In addition, I used split mode for the first time to have a QSO with 5W0KH.

I know that serious earthquake and Tsunami happened in Samoa last year. I hope that people's daily life is on reconstruction well now.

Main operator of 5W0KH was DL2FAG station in Germany. I give him a great thanks for FB QSO and QSL service!!

XU7ACY from Cambodia, TNX FR FB QSL!

This is a QSL card from XU7ACY station in Sihanoukville, Cambodia.

I had a QSO with XU7ACY station on November 15, 2009 on the band of 15m in the JIDX Contest.
It is a pedition station and operator was NO2R from USA.

A photo of QSL is Buddism stature. It reminds us of Cambodian culuture.

Cambodia is near from Japan and amateur radio stations there are faily active. I already have had a QSO with a Japanese resident in Phnom Penh. I guess that many stations show up in DX contests and we have opportunity to have a QSO.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

UN6P from Kazakhstan, Bolishoe Spasibo!

This is a QSL card from UN6P station in Kazakhstan.

I had a QSO with UN6P station on October 17, 2009 on the band of 40m in the JARTS RTTY DX Contest at home by RTTY mode.
Because I use an ineffective vertical antenna set on the balcony, I didn't believe that I succeeded in QSOs with Central Asian station.

UN6P station is operated by Mr. Yury, on the right on the picture. They are cousin??

Kazakhstan is a large nation in Central Asia which was independent of the former Soviet Union in 1991. I guess there are many active amateur radio stations in Kazakhstan because I have already had another QSO with Kazakh station.
But many station in Kazakhstan reccomend us to change QSL cards directly because they say QSL bureau of Kazakhstan Federation almost doesn't work well.

Bolishoe Spasibo za FB QSL!

LO2F from Argentina, Muchs Gracias!

This is a QSL card from LO2F, Argentina.

I had a QSO with LO2F station on November 15, 2009 on the band of 15m in the JIDX Contest. I had QSOs with 5 other Argentina stations in this contest. When I succeeded in QSO with Argentina for the first time in the previous contest I was very excited. But now I didn't feel impossible to have QSOs with stations in the opposite side of the globe.

LO2F is LU1FAM's another callsign for contests. LU1FAM is a person sitting on the right on this card. These three men are participants in WRTC 2002 as representative of Argentina. He looks very young but I imagine he is a true DXer!

Muchas Gracias FB QSL!

UA0DAM from Far East Russia, Bolishoe Spasibo!

This is a QSL card from UA0DAM station in Obluch'e, Far East Russia.

I had a QSO with UA0DAM on July 26, 2009 on the band of 15m in the RSGB IOTA Contest.

He sent me not only QSL card but also Christamas & New Year card with message in Russian, English and Japanese. I'm very happy to read a warm message.

Because I speak Russian, I often send Russian stations a handwriting message in Russian with QSL card. Many stations send me back a short message or letter in Russian in reply. It is a great pleasure to have exchange out of radio world.

In addition RDA(Russian Districts Award) code is written on almost of QSL cards delivered from Russia. I also check RDA code every time I accept QSL card from Russia. I collect RDA for award.

Bolishoe Spasibo za FB QSL!

HS0ZHC from Thailand, TNX FR FB QSL!

This is a QSL card from HS0ZHC, Thailand.

I had a QSO with HS0ZHC station on October 25, 2009 on the band of 15m in the CQ WW DX Contest and on November 15, 2009 on 15m band in JIDX Contest.

HS0ZHC is a British operator who lives in Udonthani with a right to reside permanently in Thailand.
His big antenna in front of his house and his beautiful XYL are very great!


The 4th QSL card from VR2009EAG, a special station commemorating the East Asian Games in Hong Kong

I got QSL card from VR2009EAG, a special station commemorating the East Asian Games in Hong Kong again.

This is the 4th confirmed QSL from VR2009EAG station. I had a QSO on November 22, 2009 on the band of 17m in Hiroshima as JO3PSJ/4. Because QSO on 17m was the first, I requested QSL manager Mr. Charlie a card. I established 3 bands QSO with VR2009EAG.

The East Asian Games took place on December in Hong Kong and many Japanese athletes participated it as a member of East Asian nations.

VR2009EAG already closed after the close of games. Maybe many stations including our JA stations realized QSO with special station.


Two Mongolian stations JV1A and JT1T, TNX FR FB QSL!

I received QSL cards from two Mongolian stations.

These are QSL cards from JV1A(Up) and JT1T(Down).

The other card, a photo of a person who is riding a horse(JV1A??), is from JV1A station. This station is in Ulan Baatar, the capital city of Mongolia, and he lives in USA now. I had a QSO with him on November 15, 2009 on the band of 15m in the JIDX Contest.

Another one is from JT1T station. JT1T is directly operated by MRSF Mongolian Federation and its callsign for contests. I had a QSO with this station on November 21, 2009 on 15m and 40m bands in the Mongolian DX Contest.

The number of active Mongolian stations is still small. It is very difficult to have a QSO with JT stations on usual QSO though Mongolia is near country from Japan. I'm so happy that I got confirmation from precious entity.


LP2F from Argentina, Muchas Gracias!

Many QSL cards were delivered to me between the last of 2009 and new year of 2010.
I'll show you newly arrived cards from all over the world.

This is a QSL card from LP2F, Argentina.

I had a QSO with LP2F station on October 25, 2009 on the band of 15m in the CQ WW DX Contest. This station is the first QSO with Argentina. I was very surprised to be able to talk with a station on the opposite side of the globe as if I talk with our local stations.
The distance between my operation site in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo and Argentina is 18767km!! I thought it is a great surprise that my voice traveled very long distance.

Is person who is standing on the antenna tower LP2F operator?? I imagined he must be living in very large house.

Muchas Gracias FB QSL!

Friday, January 1, 2010



I hope you have many successes in 2010!

Last year I enjoyed DX-ing and having QSOs with many foreign station. I'm very happy to know them with the same hobby in the world.

I wish to have more QSOs with many station from unaquired entities in 2010.
In order to realize it, I have a plan to introduce new antennas. But I realized to have QSOs with stations on the opposite side of the globe like Argentina and Brazil with my poor facilities. I will search for possibilities for DX-ing with using my present facilities.

And I challenged many DX contests last year. I will participate more contests in 2010. I think contest is the goog opportunity to try my possibility and to get new entities.

This year falls on the third year for me since I started amateur radio in 2008. 2010 will be the year of challenge for me!

I'm looking forward to seeing you on the air!